
My friend, Bob

I have gotten a lot of questions and emails regarding my last post. So let me clarify what I believe.

As I Christian I have a struggle that continuously haunts me. There are plenty of instances where the liberal part of me says "yes, fight for that belief!" and the Christian part of me says "whoa, slow down a second. Would Jesus fight for this?" And that is where it gets iffy.

Though we have the Bible, there are so many things I am unclear on. Take homosexuality, for instance. Yes, it clearly says in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin. But so was prostitution and Jesus spent most of his time with the prostitutes and tax collectors. Jesus preached love--love everyone. We are all sinners and sin is sin, period. Whether it's not forgiving our brothers and sisters or prostitution or lying or homosexuality or lusting after that man or woman on TV, it is sin. Sin is sin. So why is the church pushing away homosexuals? Why is the church hating someone who had an abortion? Why does the church look down upon a man or woman who is divorced? Why does the church turn its back on people who need to see the love of Jesus more than anything?

More importantly, why hasn't the church turned its back on me? I am a sinner. And believe me, I am not better than any one else the church "looks down upon". I hold grudges and sometimes lie and sometimes I stuff my face with ho-hos. I find myself gossiping and sometimes I admire God's creation of Michael Vartan a little too much... Why has the church accepted me? Who decided those things are okay and I can repent and be forgiven but my brother who is gay and my sister who had an abortion and my brother who is divorced--they can't repent? they won't be forgiven? they aren't worthy??? (by my brother and sister I mean brothers and sisters in Christ).

True, they aren't worthy. But neither are you. Niether am I. No one is worthy, I am sure of that much.

So, though I don't really think that this guy who wrote Initiative 957 is really going to get his point across, I support the point he is trying to make. Which brings me to my next frustration (then I'll get off my soap box).

I have a friend whom I will call Bob. Bob and I were joking around one day and I said "you're going to go to hell for saying that" and he said "well, I don't believe in hell, so I guess I'm safe." That got me thinking.

You can tell Bob that homosexuality is a sin all you want but he doesn't believe in God, so why would that matter to him? If he doesn't believe in an after life, who are we to tell him he cannot be happy in his life on Earth? You see, I often see the corrupt world and remind myself that I am not home. That I have hope because I will be spending an eternity with God. Bob doesn't have that hope. He is home. This is his life--he only has one and he will live it to the fullest. I'm not saying that Bob is gay, but if he were, who are we to tell him he cannot be happy? Why can the government tell him he cannot get married?

Now some of my other Christian friends (particularly those friends from Calvin) would tell me that marriage is a unity between a man and a woman under God. True. So let's not let the Buddists and the Muslims and the agnostic and the atheists get married then too. If non-christians can get married in a courthouse (which is not a unity under God, by the way) then why can't homosexuals? So even if Bob isn't gay, because he doesn't believe in God does that mean he cannot fall in love? Does that mean he cannot commit to spend the rest of his life with a woman? Should we not allow him to get married because it would not be a unity under God because he does not believe in God? How is that fair? If marriage is about God, why do we get marriage certificates and it becomes a legal act? Where is the seperation of church and state?

If I get married, you better believe it will be a unity under God. I believe in God and I will marry someone else who believes. We will get married in a church and become one in God's eyes, but we will also become united as man and woman legally. The legal part is all the non-christians are looking for. They just want to be united legally.

As a Christian, I believe Jesus loves homosexuals just as much as he loves me. I also believe Jesus loves me just as much as he loves rapists and murderers. I believe he loves murderers just as much as he loves you. I believe he loves you just as much as he loves pastors and preachers and priests. I believe he loves priests just as much as he loves my friend, Bob. I believe he loves my friend, Bob, just as much as he loves my dad, who is becoming a Deacon. I believe he loves my dad just as much as he loved Judah, who betrayed him. I believe he loved Judah just as much as he loved his other disciples. I believe he loves his disciples just as much as he loved the prostitutes and tax collectors with whom he spent so much time. Get my point?


Marriages not legal if unable to procreate??

While browsing through cnn.com--the only thing in my life that keeps me updated on current events--I came across a video titled Have Baby in 3 Years or Divorce, Proposal Says and got curious. I watched this video and found myself completely appalled by this new proposal. Initiative 957 is requiring that marriages in the state of Washington have a child within 3 years of their marriage. They must prove that they are able to procreate before getting married and if they do not the marriage will be annulled.

I have so many things to say about this -- especially as someone who decided when I start my own family I do not want to put more children on this earth when there are so many in need of adoption.

I decided to do a little research on this to ensure that I know what I am talking about when I start to fight against this propsal and boy am I glad I did.

While it is true that they are trying to get I-957 on the ballot in November, it is not true that the creator of the proposal is serious about it. Instead, he is serious about a much larger issue--what defines a marriage?

When Washington passed a law that same sex marriages are not legal in the state of Washington the Supreme Court mentioned procreation multiple times as support behind that decision. This new proposal is solely to raise awareness of the absurdity of saying who can and cannot fall in love and decide to spend the rest of their lives together.

If I am unable to birth a child would it be fair for my government to tell me I cannot get married because marriage is for the purpose of procreation. Isn't that what the Catholic church believes? Who gets to say that the Catholic church is wrong or right here? Likewise, if I fall in love with another woman is it fair for my government to tell me I cannot marry her because marriage is a union between a man and a woman? Isn't that what the Catholic church believes? Again, who gets to say the Catholic church is wrong or right here?

Where do we draw the line of separation of church and state? Isn't homosexuality wrong because the church said so? It is a sin, I don't disagree with that but so is having sex before marriage and I don't see states outlawing that...

Just some things to ponder before making a decision and standing by it on whether or not same sex marriage should be legal.

To read the article I read about Initiative 957 click here


Look out Boston, here I come

I'll be in Boston with my cousin Anna this weekend to visit Justin and our friends Jeff and D.J.! I can't wait.

I don't think Boston is ready for the LaMonaca cousins...



Sorry I have been missing for the last couple weeks. A lot has been going on. Here's a "brief" update. (I put "brief" in quotation marks because nothing is ever really brief with me... is it?)

My tailbone
It's healing. Slowly but surely. The doctor said people feel pain anywhere from three weeks to ten. For once in my life I think I am on the "fast track". It has been three weeks and I am starting to be able to sit on one cheek at a time. That's nice because I do not need to carry around my donut. Hopefully I will be healed sooner than later.

The Bears
I have been waiting for the Chicago Bears to win the superbowl my entire life. I cannot express my excitement two weeks ago when we defeated the Saints to win the NFC Championship. I was so sure they would win (esspecially against the Colts). Yes, the Colts had one of the best kickers in the NFL, but so did we. Yes the Colts had one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL but so did... wait a minute.... Rex Grossman sucks! However, we had a chance. We had one of the best runningbacks in the NFL. If Grossman had handed the ball over to Thomas Jones every time, we would have dominated. Benson's not so bad either, but he had to go and hurt himself. Anyway, there's no point in dwelling--just know that I am mourning. The bears haven't won a superbowl since I was 7 months old... and I am still waiting.

My Job
I started coaching the girls basketball team. I felt like the boys team had ruined the coaching experience for me, so I was not very excited. We had a game last Thursday and we lost by three points. It was a close game, but my team has a large--how should I put this--lack of talent... I'm not trying to be mean. They are in 6th grade and most of them have not played on a team before. That's fine. I would take this team ANY day over what I had with the boys--cocky players who throw the game by not listening to/challenging the coach. The girls team vs the boys team is like night and day. The girls get excited every time they score. They play with enthusiasm and they listen to everything I tell them to do. When we won they were jumping around with joy. Who wouldn't want to coach such a wonderful team?

Family Reunion!
This week Mike, Beth, and Cassandra (my brother, sister-in-law, and niece) came in town. They live in Arizona, so it's a huge treat when we get to see them. Then Sunday Christopher and Erika (my other brother and sister-in-law) came up to visit. So today I took off work, as did my mom and dad, and we spent the day together as a family. We haven't done that since before Christopher even knew Erika! It was wonderful. I finally feel like I am getting to know Beth and my niece actually knows who I am! It's nice. Another thing that is nice is that Mike finally got to meet Ari and I like that my brothers are getting to know him. I feel like that is important. I love my family.

So, that's been my excitement over the last two weeks. Life is good. God is good.

One God-One Word-One Way