
Passions and Goals

I was talking to a friend of mine about passion and how important it is to be passionate about things and to have goals for ourselves. I just recently created a list of goals for myself and realized how closely related most of my goals are to the things I am passionate about. I spent a lot of time yesterday thinking about all the things that I am passionate about and here is a list I came up with.

I am passionate about:
Jesus—if I didn’t have the Lord in my life there is no way I would be where I am today.
Family—no explanation needed here. My family is the only constant I have had in my life. They have been there for every stage of my life and supported me continually.
Building relationships—I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and going deeper in relationships I already have.
Love—This goes without saying. What was the greatest commandment (according to Jesus)? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind; likewise, love your neighbor as yourself.
Children—I think it is important that children are valued in our world, hence my wanting to be a social worker –> breaks out into song “I believe the children are our future…”
Life—As I have seen recently, I have no idea when my life will end or when anyone of my friends' lives will end. So, I want to live life to it’s fullest.
Music—I don’t really know why, but it keeps me going. It frees my soul.
Writing—it’s the best way I know how to express myself.

My goals:
Live – I want to live each day as if it were my last. I won’t let the sun go down on my anger and make sure I have no regrets.
Love – I want to love to my ultimate ability. I, of course, am human and will falter but I don’t want anyone in my life to be unsure of how important they are to me.
Health – I plan to loose weight. I will eat healthier and exercise regularly. God gave me this body and it is a temple therefore, I want to keep it healthy for him.
Relationships – I want to be the best friend/girlfriend/sister/cousin/daughter/aunt I can possibly be.
Jesus – I want my life to be a reflection of Christ’s. I want to be a light on a hill, salt to the earth, etcetera.
Joy – A friend told me recently that I don’t seem as happy as I used to be and that worries him. I want to laugh more and find the true joys in life, find happiness in the little things.
Priorities – I want to keep my priorities straight: God, Family, Friends, Work.

So if any of you want to keep me accountable on these goals, I am up for the challenge.


Give Me Jesus

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. Mostly, what being a Christian is all about.

I've been spending some time with friends who are into the whole "party scene" lately and I have realized what made them stop walking the walk. It isn't that they are angry at God or don't believe, it is way more simple. It is easier to just not care.

Apathy is the best tool the devil has. If we just did't care about how we live our lives, things would be easier.

Last week, I went to my great uncle's wake. While there, I mentioned to my mom and dad that I used to have my funeral planned out in case anything ever happened to me. I want the song Give Me Jesus to be sung out my funeral.

In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus
When I am alone, give me Jesus
When I come to die, give me Jesus

Not only do I want that song to be sung, but I want people to hear it and think "that song is fitting." I don't want to be apathetic, making my life easier. No one ever said life was going to be easy--Jesus' life surely was not. I want to wake up every morning saying "Lord, I give this day to you" and live each day glorifying him. So when I come to die I can honestly say, "give me JESUS."

After hearing the news of Grandma Dunkeld yesterday, I was driving in my car listening to my favorite Christian radio station. Of course, the song I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe came on. It made me cry.

I can only imagine what it will be like 
When I walk by your side
I can only imagine what my eyes will see
When your face is before me
I can only imagine

Surrounded by your glory
What will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you Jesus,
Or in awe of you be still?
Will I stand in your presence,
Or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing Halelluja,
Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine
I want to live my life knowing that one day that moment will come and I wont have to wonder what it will be like anymore because I will finally be at home, forever with my Lord.


Grandma Dunkeld

I apologize for the lack of communication on my end. There has been crazyness going on--and not the normal kind.

For starters, one of my closests friends' grandma had a massive heart attack last week. I have known Grandma Dunkeld for five years and she is an amazing woman. She was a missionary for some astronomical number of years in Africa and she has always been a passionate woman. This year we celebrated her 90th birthday and believe me, she doesn't act, let alone look, 90.

On Friday morning at about 3:30 she started having a heart attack. An ambulence was called and everyone rushed over to the hospital. The left side of her heart was clogged at 100% and the right was clogged at 90%. After a couple days of pain and claiming she was "ready to go home to Jesus" the doctor told her that her heart is strong and she is going to live to be 100. Her reply of course was, "I don't want to be 100, do you know what people who are 100 look like? OLD!" Good old Grandma Dunkeld still had her wit and sense of humor.

Monday they moved her out of the Intensive Cardiac care unit into the regular cardiac care unit. I was there when they moved her. I was sitting in her room having a conversation with her (she was telling me about when she broke her tailbone years ago) and I was thinking about how great she looked. She was upbeat and wanting to go home to her house (and dog who wont eat without her there). All of a sudden my vision started going black and I said "I'm blacking out" without warning. I completely fainted and Auntie Lois (Celeste's aunt) caught me and sat me down. As soon as I woke up I vomitted. It was terrible. A nurse came with a wheel chair and brought me down to the emergency room where I spent the next 7 hours hooked up to IVs and monitors. Apparently I was very dehydrated. Great.

So, I haven't been able to make it to the hospital since my Monday episode but everyone has been telling me that Grandma is doing well. Celeste even told me last night that they were thinking about discharging her into rehab today. I told Celeste I would come by to see her in the afternoon.

This morning at 7am I got a phone call that said Grandma Dunkeld had another massive heart attack. I called Celeste to see if she wanted me to come to the hospital and she made it sound like they are basically just waiting for her to let go now. Ari's mom didn't even know if she would be able to make it to the hospital in time.

So, that is what has been going on. This week has been filled with tears, laughter, joy, peace, sorrow, fear, and prayers.

A scripture comes to mind right now and it is what really keeps me going often.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. -- Matthew 11:28-30

I do not need to worry about the happenings around me. Jesus will take care of all of it. He will give us rest. I musn't worry about Grandma Dunkeld. I know if she dies that she will be out of pain and at home with Jesus. And, though everyone here will miss her on earth, we will see her again one day and be able to spend eternity with her. Whatever happens, I will find rest in Jesus.

As I finished typing this post I got a phone call from Celeste. Grandma Dunkeld didn't make it.


Don't hassel the hoff!

pparently, David Hasselhoff was seriously trying to build a career in music with these videos... (supposedly he made it big in Europe) Check these out, they are hillarious! his voice isn't too bad either.

Jump in my Car
Hooked on a Feeling


the love movement

Someone let me down yesterday.

Someone told me that (s)he was going to show up somewhere and then didn't. No phone call. No warning. Nothing.

It wasn't a big deal. It wasn't like I needed this person to be there. It wasn't like I couldn't go on without this person. Which is why (s)he didn't understand when I was upset.

I understand when someone says they'll be somewhere and then before that time I get a phone call saying, "I'm not feeling well" or "I don't want to drive in this weather" or "My dog got sick" or whatever. I understand because it happens to me all the time. That's life--welcome to living. What I do not understand and do not appreciate is when there is no phone call and no emergency.

That is an issue of trust. If I can't trust I can't depend on you and a lack of dependence is a lack of any sort of good relationship.

Someone let me down yesterday but I forgave him/her and we set things right.

Even more frustrating to me than someone letting me down is someone not forgiving me or moving on from me letting him/her down.

I am human, just as you are. I make mistakes just as you have. I let people down just as we all do. I sometimes forget what is right and what is wrong. I sometimes forget that everybody reacts to things differently and that something that may not be a big deal to me is a big deal to someone else. I ask to be forgiven.

Please do not hold a grudge. I have never intentionally hurt anyone (except maybe my brother when I was younger.... but that's another story). Just as I have to realize that no one is out to get me, we all need to realize that no one is out to get us.

Where is the joy in holding a grudge?

I honestly believe that it takes more energy to be mean and hold a grudge than it takes to just love one another as we would want to be loved.

I want to start a movement called The Love Movement where everyone loves each other as Christ loved the church. Who's with me?