
The Worst Feeling

Tonight I experienced one of the worst feelings I have experienced in a long time. Today was a really rough day for me. I am not entirely sure why... I think a lot of it has to do with how dry and empty I am feeling in every relationship I have right now; friends, family, God. I wanted to turn to someone and talk things out and when I finally realized why it was so hard for me to do that I felt so much worse. The only person in the world that I feel may have some insight for me or would be the best person to talk to about everything lives 4,208.2 miles away from me and there is a seven hour time difference between here and there. Which just makes me wanna cry.


Mike Clawson said...

Hey Mon, I'm really sorry to hear how you're struggling. I want you to know that you're always welcome to drop in on Julie and I to talk whenever you need to. We're not too far away and Julie's almost always home during the days.

Heather Cady said...

Hey sweetie, I hope you wrote this BEFORE we got a chance to chat a little. I'll look for you today...

Wendy said...

Dearest Lamonaca,

I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I'm going to try to call you this evening before SHINE.

I love you.

Anonymous said...


Just got back from France and am catching up on some blog reading. My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
