
So jealous (but in a good way)

My cousin, Justin, is spending his semester in Australia. He is taking a bunch of great classes and doing a bunch of "once in a lifetime" things. Last week, he learned how to surf. How cool is that? Okay, for me, that is really cool, since learning to surf is on my list of things I want to do before I die. But seriously, this cousin of mine is now taking the month of February to travel (and he is miraculously only missing one class). So, he leaves for the Outback today and will be there for five days. Then next week he is going to Tasmania for five days. Then off to Caims for five days. And finally to Whitsunday Islands for three days. Did I mention that on his way to Australia he stopped for a week in Fiji and on his way home he will be in New Zealand for a week and a half? Man....

So, why am I telling you all of this? Because the way this trip is changing my cousin is humbling. He quickly adapted to the culture and idea of "no worries." He is enjoying the little things in life. He is off learning to surf and traveling and still getting schoolwork done and laying on the beach perfecting his tan and celebrating Australia Day and so on. Before he left he woke up at three in the morning to stand in line to get into the Price is Right and he appeared 37 times on the show (he was sitting right behing the contestants).

And when I think about all of this I ask myself, "self... what has happened to you?" I know this sounds really stupid, but I have let myself become the one thing I don't want to be. I go to class, go to work, come home and get my chores done, and then I am spent for the night. I wake up the next day and do it all over again. I rationalize before making any decision and miss out on a lot of fun things that way. I used to be the person that would up and go whenever. Ready for anything.

So these past two weeks I have been trying to change back to the old Monaca who loved life and randomeness. Which has been fun, I have ended up on two random two hour road trips. I have been more spontaneous and I have been laughing a lot more. Why aren't more people like this?

Anyway, I know that was a bunch of non-coherent, rambling but... you get the idea.

1 comment:

Charlotte Wyncoop said...

Yeah, I need more randomness of a non child-waking-in-the-middle-of-the-night sort.

Seriously though, beginning of Christianity seems to be the end of my really randomness. Doesn't that seem somehow wrong?