
walking through fire part 2

I apologize for my last post.

To explain myself, I am struggling with something. I feel betrayed and alone and confused and I have so many questions. While asking them, including the ones I expressed on my blog, I realized that God has been preparing me for this particular struggle, even when I had no idea it was coming.

Because of converstations with a friend, I have been challenged incredibly in my walk with Christ. I have had to find answers to questions that, in return, helped me to memorize scripture. The scripture I have memorized in the past couple months are words that our Lord knew I would need to remember through this trial.

I know I will get through it and I know I will come out stronger because I am learning to rely on the strength of God and He has more strength than any of us could ever imagine.

So let's all praise God for being so present in the darkest of times. For being my hope, my joy, my light, my strength, my one true love.

I'll write more later, I just needed to post this and let you all know that I really am okay. And though it feels like I am getting burned--I am confident that God is a God of love and that He will never let me be consumed by the flames.

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