
My neck

The last couple of weeks my neck has been really bothering me. So much so that holding my head up for longer than fifteen minutes becomes a workout. I finally went to the chiropractor this past week and he took x-rays that were scary.

God created our bodies to have a 45 degree curve in the neck. Doctors call this curve the "arc of life" because the spinal chord's most important nerves are in this area and when the arc is lost the nerves are being pinched which causes your immune system to not work properly which causes disease.

My neck x-ray looks nothing like this one on the right. The curve in my neck is actually at 5 degrees--so virtually not there. Also on the top that 5 degree curve is there but then it flips and starts to curve the wrong direction toward the bottom. Dr.Tim, my chiropractor, said this is one of the most unique cases he's seen. Also, one of the worst.

He said he can help me and he put me on a 60 sessions in 6 months plan. So for the next 12 weeks I will be going to the chiropractor 3 times a week and then for the 12 weeks after that I will be going 2 times a week. With periodic x-rays to check the progress.

No wonder my neck has been bothering me for so long. In fact, it has been bothering me since that car accident I got into. Good to know my neck has been straight for a year and a half now!


Mike Clawson said...
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Mike Clawson said...

So you're saying that you have your head on straight... and that's the problem?! ;)

Unknown said...

It is interesting you posted this. I just been to the chiropractor after 10 yrs of living wiht my neck and back injuries . . . my neck is also at a 5 degree status. I have issues all the way up and down my back. You aren't alone with this. I found your blog by doing a google search.

Stacey McBride said...

So I heard that a chiropractor can treat road accident-related injuries efficiently, without the need for any surgical intervention. This, along a host of other benefits, makes the practice more popular, I learned. Now I'm really interested in how exactly it is done. I'm sure that you've been well by now.