
Heather Cady sent this to me in an email and since I have nothing else to do except for homework (which I have been doing all day)... enjoy.

1. What time is it? 3:51pm
2. Your name:
3. Nickname:
Mon, Mony, Italy

4. Piercing: Lots in my ears

5. What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre? I saw Narnia on Christmas

6. Eye colour:

7. Place of birth:
Winfield, IL
8. Favourite foods: Any type of pasta, chicken parmesian
9. Ever been to Africa?
No, but some day
10. Ever been toilet papering: yeah, back in the day... which was a wednesday by the way. Any time someone is talking about back in the day it was always a wednesday. Take that home -- chew it. It's delicious.
11. Ever love someone so much it made you cry:
What am I? In eighth grade?
12. Been in a car accident: Oh, lets not go there.
13. Croutons or bacon bits: Like all foods, it depends on my mood
14. Favourite day of the week: Saturdays -- I get to sleep in, then Celeste and I make homemade waffles and then Saturday nights Ari and I usually get to go out because neither of us have to work on Sundays.

15. Favourite restaurant: At the moment I am craving Chili's boneless buffalo wings. So I will have to go with Chili's
16. Favourite Flower: White daisy
17. Favourite sport to watch: futbol (aka soccer)
18. Favourite drink: Hot: coffee with baily's irish cremem in it Cold: water
19. Favourite ice cream: Breyer's vanilla bean
20. Disney or Warner Brothers:
Disney without hesitation

21. Favourite fast food restaurant: Arby's or Fazoli's
22. What colour is your bedroom carpet: Carpet in my bedroom? that's unheard of! I am a hardwood floors kind of gal!
23. How many times you failed your driver's test: I didn't
24. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail: Ann Milauskas
26. What do you do most often when you are bored?
If I am home, I get online and see if Heather or Ann are online. If they are not (which is pretty likely considering the 7-9 hour time differences) then I read or watch a movie or fill out stuff like this...
27. Bedtime: between 11pm and 1am
28. Favourite TV shows? ALIAS
29. Last person you had dinner with? Last night Celeste, Gerry, Josh, Charles, Ari, and I drove two hours to eat dinner at Prime Quarter in Wisconsin
30. Book you've read most recently: The Brothers' K by DAvid James Duncan
31. What are you listening to right now:
The Rent Movie Soundtrack

32. What is your favourite colour:
Blue and purple

33. How many tattoos do you have? just one

34. How many pets do you have?
My fish Vaughn -- but I actually had a dream last night that he die

1 comment:

Heather Cady said...

Girl, you can't see half this post :)